
 today was very hard for me. especially, i tried to translate the book i'm not sure this is correct title. it's name maybe  "introduction statistic learning with R". i had run out of time, i hurried to do it. the reason why i started this is i already have studied statistics and probabilitics, but most of notions about that i feels i need to practice it more. i forget many concept of theses studies and i was too hesitated becuase i am not sure the things i know can not be correct. so, from yesterday unti today's 9 pm i could wirte most of them. although i could not understand perfectly, but i can repeat broadly and it was helpful for me.


 and then i found the video to practice my english, i choose the one video clip of friends the topic was about holloween.. that video was the most shortest one that i can afford to watching. after wachting that, i have to take the english exam i reverved yesterday. so, in that video, talked about holloween cultures in the uk and us, and what people do in the holloween and how people have a fun. but i don't have enough time to repeat it, ended it quickly.





 oh i got something to write here. today's afternoone i made a recommendation system using csr_matrix, it was about matrix factorization. using matirx factorialization, we can decompose very big spares matrix into smaller ones. and then with converted matrx about users and recommend items, i could find what is the most recommend things for me. at that time, i could write any explanation of my codes in the jupyter noteboook markdown. before i started this dialog, i could not write anything easily comparing with now. but, it became not difficult works for me now! i was very satisfied with improvement of my writing skill. i know my grammar and vocabulary is terrible but i am so happy i don;t have any type of hesitation about writing.


 anyway, come back to my speaking test, i was self esteemed too much, i though that i can speak and understand english well or fluently, but it was not happend to me. serveral times i missed what theater's are saying and i was got stuck in too much. i was so depressed, It seems there was no improvement of my speaking skills compare with a week ago! but supprisingly test report was not too bad than i though, teachers gave me good points better than my though, and result of the exam seems also to be better than before.


 this is a report of the talking exame i had a week ago. at that time my english ekill was evaluated as 5 in case of toeic speaking and IL in case of OPIC.






 but in this time, i had a test in another comp, my test result was not too bad.  my speaking level was evaluated to a topeic speaking 6 and IM2 in Opic. i got a better points from 5 to 6! this result shows me that i didn't tried to practice my speaking skills with my conciousness enough, but with only shadowing training my skills become better. nevertheless, i have to do it from now. because i felt the need of it in this test.



'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.02.01 daily english study log  (0) 2021.02.02
2021.01.29 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.29
2021.01.27 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.27
2021.01.26daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.26
2021.01.25 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.25

 today i watched very funny video clips of friends. it's topic was  about joey's perverted tailer. i didn't know what the word perverted means before watching that i founds the meanings. but, i could not predict how story will be going on. before i found the learning english with tv series, i tried to understant the speaking without subtilte i think they are not helpful for me to imporve my listening skills. but after watching several videos in the channel, i realize i have to change my english practice methods. so, i watched it with subscription first and serveral times until i can hear the words without it.


 finally, i could listen and understand most of what the actor's is saying. plus, i tried to understand ameraicna culture and expressions. today's expressions that i didn't know the meaning was "crack the codes", "no way", "stop the q tips when there are registance", "peverted" like that. anyway this trainig is very good for me and i recall what we have to do thing when we want improve our english skills was to make bigger circles about speaking and linstening vocabulary not, the big vocabulary circle that means we already knows.


 yesterday, i could not write down anything because there was no time. today, it seems that i wrote more sentences comparing with before. i'm so proud of my archievements that i wrote down until now. and i hope i can understand and hear the natives speaking more and more. 






'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.29 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.29
2021.01.28 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.28
2021.01.26daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.26
2021.01.25 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.25
2021.01.22 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.22

wa wa wa 

 i should hurry write today's log because i just make a phone call to let go chicken. anyway todays video clip i wathced is joey vs thanksgivingday. in that video, i could learn about some expressions of joeys challenge and american traditions. but sadly, it's too hard for me to understand the many words they are speaking.


 but after have a training, i could imporve my comprehension about that. nevertheless, without subscription or any comment it was not easy yet. what expressiosn i haver leanered? there were some expresseions like "that's what i do", "that's it" etc.


 in the video, she says they will not cook for thanksgiving day because they are still on diet and pheby? could not eat turkey the reason is turkey is anima and wise. most funny seen was here. and then joey's answer was turkey is ulgy and delicious!!


 um.. i want to write something more here. but i'm running out of time. so i have to go to get my chicken don't to be late. i don't wanna eat freezed chicken. anyway i solve many coding problems and finished my homework, so after eating that i will prepare my presetation for computervision with deeplearning





'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.28 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.28
2021.01.27 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.27
2021.01.25 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.25
2021.01.22 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.22 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.22

today's video that i watched is the video clips from friends "Joey doesn't share food". before i watch original video clip, i wathced this clip with subtitle and comments about the words. There were a lot of expressions i didn't know well, like "out of nowhere", "reach down/into/up", "get along", etc. it was really helpful for me to practice listenting this words.


 i was too self satisfied about my listen skills because i can understand many video uploaded by english teacher. but  desipite they speak easily to understand for students, i forgot those clips are for english learner not native and i did feel like that. this seems really ashamed.


 so, after i realized that, i tried to listen what speakers are saying in the video several times,  tried to memorize their pronounciations about the expressions i couldn't understand. and then i watched original video without any comment or any funny explain. that was too hard for me. so i also watched it repeatdly and was shadowing again, again.


 finally, I could understand most of what speakers are saying. anyway i'm not sure what is the reason of my comprehension about the video, whether i memorized all of things or i eventually become familier with native speaker's pronounciation. I think if i watch another video, i will be able to find the answer of this questions. so, there's long way to go to be a better listener yet.




'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.27 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.27
2021.01.26daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.26
2021.01.22 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.22 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.20 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.20

 yesterday, i couldn't write anything because i hang out in the moring, so i was too tired. because of that i need to write my dialog in the weekend too. anyway, today i watched the friends because it is the most popular tv show for everyone who study english so, i choosed it.


 that video was uploaded by the channel learn english with series, their views was over the 1Millons. that channels makes very good videos to study because they not only gave us a subscription, but also meanings of the words, ans some example of the expressions. that was really great to understand what the actor or acteress are saying, and by repeating them severy times, i have enough time to remebmer it.


 original video clips was short 4 to 5 minutes, but adding these materials for training the videos running times was only 15 minutes, it was not long for me. after watching that, i find the original video and watched it without subscription. also, i couldn't understand all of them, but thanks to this training i could understand some words and expression that i didn't know before.


 the day before yesterday, you know i watched the same video gaved me a big intuition of english speaking because i wanted to understand more about that. but i forgot the most thing is using another words and expression not i used before. so, this is why i choosed the video about friends. althoug the firends is too fast and hard for me because of many expressions i don't know, if i try to watch and practice it repeatedly, i hope i will be more familiar with speaking english.





'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.26daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.26
2021.01.25 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.25
2021.01.22 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.20 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.20
2021.01.19 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.19

 와 벌써 22일이니 1월이 얼마남지 않았다.

2021년이 되고 나서도 성장했는가? 되돌아보면 뭔가 많이는 한것 같지만 아직은 잘 모르겠다.


  이번주에 크게 컴퓨터비전 딥러닝에서 최적화 기법들이랑 배열 관련 알고리즘들, 그리고 자연어 처리하는 신경말 모델들을 공부했었는데, 지난주랑 비교했을때 나아진점은 시간 관리를 적절하게 한 점인것 같다.



에러 해결 과정에서 딥러닝 모델 입출력 구조 이해


 지난 주에는 여러 에러를 해결하는데 시간도 줄기는 했지만, 해결 과정에서 관련 있는 부분을 정리하면서 매우 유익했다. 모델 내 컨볼루션 연산 시 에러가 발생을 했는데 이 원인을 찾아가면서, 특히 신경망 모델 구현 중 각 층의 파라미터들을 설정해주는데, 어떻게 이 파라미터들을 설정하느냐에 따라 학습 파라미터 갯수가 늘어나고 줄어드는지, 출력형태가 어떻게 되는지 등을 날 잡고 보면서 이해하는데 많이 도움되었다.




다른 방식으로 정리해보자


 얼마전에 영어 공부하다가 영어 스피킹 자체는 잘 나오는데 막상 단어가 안떠올라 막히는 문제가 있었다. 잘 떠오르는 단어들로 문장을 쉽게 만들수 있지만 그렇게 다양한 단어들을 활용하지는 못하는 문제가 있었다. 그 원인은 아는 단어가 많더라도 말할때 익숙한 단어만 쓰다보니 안되던 것이었고, 지금은 잘 안쓰던 단어를 스피킹 문장을 만드는데 사용하려고 의식하고는 있는 중이다.


 이처럼 나는 전부터 공부할때마다, 내 언어로 정리하기 보다는 남의 말을 그대로 자주 반복하고 있었다. 어떻게 정리해야 될지를 몰라서. 그런데 이번에 최적화 내용을 정리하면서 신기한 일이 있었다. 시간 여유가 있는 동안은 저스틴 존슨 교수님이 말하는 모든 내용들을 내가 이해한데로 번역해서 정리하고 있었는데, 내가 이해할수 없는 표현들이 너무 많아 진행이 더디고 번역의 질이 좋지 않았다.


 그러다 시간이 부족해지자 뒷 내용은 그림이랑 설명만 몇개 붙이고, 강의 내용과 설명을 보고 내 방식대로 이해하고 끝냈었다. 그러자 발표를 하는데 앞의 내용은 내가 번역한 내용을 따라가느라 버벅였지만 뒷 내용은 내가 이해한 방식대로 말하다보니 말이 술술나오기 시작하더라. 이러면서 내 언어로 정리하는 중요성을 오랜만에 느낄수 있었다. 전에도 몇 번 경험했지만 수능 때부터 깜지식으로 복습하는게 익숙하다보니 나한태는 너무 힘들더라.



알고리즘 공부는?


 이번 주에는 알고리즘 공부로 배열 처리에 관한 내용들을 봤었다. 내가 어떤 문제를 풀었더라.


리트 코드에서 생각 나는데로 정리해보자


1. 벽으로 물을 가두고 물 량이 얼마나 되는지 구하는 문제

2. 자기 자신을 제외한 수들의 곱을 반환하는 문제

3. 가장 부유한 사람을 찾는 문제

4. 세 수의 합이 0이 되는 경우 찾기

5. 배열 파티셔닝


 하나가 더 있었는데 생각 안나니 넘어가고, 이번 주에는 시간 절약을 잘 했었다. 지난 주에는 내 방식대로 풀겠다고, 고집 부리다가 알고리즘 문제 푸는데 다풀기는 했지만 상당히 많은 시간을 허비하고 말았다. 그런데 그렇게 시간을 쓰는게 잘한 것 같지는 않더라 더 좋은 방법들이 있는데 안보고, 다른일들이 있는데 이러기가 그래서 이번에는 좀 풀어보려고 해보고 좋은 방법이 떠오르지 않는 경우 책 등을 참고해서 풀었다.









'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.25 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.25
2021.01.22 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.20 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.20
2021.01.19 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.19
2021.01.18 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.18

 as you know, i watched the video yesterday and i got a great insight of speaking why we got stuck. so after then i had practice to speak the words that i never used before consciously. after one day, i think this really works because after do that, i could make a sentence better than before. of course. of course, my improvement is not big enough to speak like that, but i can feel it's real helpful for me!


 anyway, for training my english skills, i searched a video how to imporve my speaking vocabulary, i found the one that i watched yesterday again! but it's really really helpful for me, i just watch it again. during wachting that, i could understand more words and do shadowing practice more than before.


 today's dialog is not longer enough. but i'm so tired becuase i participated in a meeting about mearchin learning. i tought that i already study AI, so it will be easy for me. that thoughs was really silly, the presenter was really comprehensive and gaves us many intuision about that. i was satisfied with attending that meeting.



'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.22 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.22 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.19 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.19
2021.01.18 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.18
2021.01.16 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.17

hi, today i watched a video about vocabulary because i have a speaking test of phone enligh course and then i found the one of my problem is a vocabulary. if you may know, nowadays i feel something weird why my speaking skills is not imporved. 


by doing shadow videos every weekdays, my speaking fluency becomes definitely better but whenever i want to say something or speaking in engish, it's hard for me to find any words that i want. with trials and erros, i finally found the reasons why i didn't get better in english. that's becaus i always use same words that is used before it big problems.


espicially, i searched some videos about that, vocabulary problem and found one that gives me a good tips. in the video, english teacher hadars talk about this easly to understand. she draw a big circle that means our vocabulary and then, she draw another small circles means some words we usally use.


she explained the situation about our vocabulary practice, whenever we study vocabulary, most of us try to memrized it. that's a big mistake becuause the things we need to do is making the small circle bigger not big circle we already know well. so, this reason today i tried to wright down my dialy with other words that i didn't use well. i confiently believe if i practice these words more, i will be familier with speaking english soon


'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.22 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.22
2021.01.20 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.20
2021.01.18 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.18
2021.01.16 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.17
2021.01.15 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.15



today's video topic that i watched is  when i speak no words come to my mind, what should we do!. the title of the video was "i want to speak english but words dont come to mind" do these 2 practical things.


aleena rais explains her own experience how she can be bettwer with english. she said the most important thing is practice, we need to start right now. and use the simple words if some word that want to say doesn't come up with us.


after watched the video, i had a time what is wrong with my way. i have a conclusion that i didn't try to speak something and i only used the same word before i use. this is big problem for me.


so i had  decisions to reduce the amount of the daily and do speaking practice more with words i'am not to used like overcome, face, defeat, weekness, flaw, process etc.


it is very hard for me to use these words becuase theses words dose not really come to mind and i can think only without that. i already know what is the reason of this situation the practice i had done was not enough! anyway i should go speaking  practice more.


'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.20 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.20
2021.01.19 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.19
2021.01.16 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.17
2021.01.15 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.15
2021.01.14 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.14

sadly, i could write my dialog yesterday becasue i was too busy to solve some problems about making deep learning model that can analysis sentimental by RNN.


there was many steps i have to do, before i inputs data to rnn, the data was needed to preprocessed like delete null , duplicated data, and encoding etc.


and then i designed some rnn models for sentimental analysis.


while i build models and fiting, many error was occured, it made me spend more time. so i can't affort to write anything or practice english.


today i spend my time to relax and watch some youtubes videos. but despite today is e weekend, i have to prepare for next weekend.


becuase i will present how to optimize weight matrix w in computer vision. and how to solve some coding problems. and i was supposed to pass the programmer's coding test level 2 but i didn't try yet.


anyway, i can't postphone my english practice anymore, i watched some videos to do it. today my object is to watch video about how can i understand long and fast english sentence.


so, i searched and found one. the video was uploaded by pronounciatio pro. it was very short video but while i am writing this log, i forget what this video was saying. 


for this reason, if i summerize this video, this video gave me some solutions. first solution was "do what native speakers do", sencond was "don't listen to every word", last one ws "listen for the stressed words".


i also agreed with this solutions and already try with that. and this video commented that we can practice listening skills at esl-lab.com. the web site provided video which have a variety of accent and some problems to improve our skill by checking whether we understand well.



i watched the video episode 31 that talked about english teacher which reason he become english teacher, why he started youtube channel,  and his background etc.


after listening, i taked the exams. i answered 5 question correctly. altough it's 2 and half o'clock , i have to a lot of things, so i cannot sleep yet. what a horrible!





'그외 > 로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

2021.01.19 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.19
2021.01.18 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.18
2021.01.15 이번주 정리  (0) 2021.01.15
2021.01.14 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.14
2021.01.13 daily english study log  (0) 2021.01.13

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