
 이번에는 라이다 스캔 데이터를 가지고 

격자 지도를 작성하는 예제를 다뤄보겠습니다.


 우선 임포트 라이브러리와 파라미터를 잠깐 살펴보겠습니다.


import math
from collections import deque

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


별 내용없으니 바로

main 문으로 갑시다



def main():
    Example usage
    print(__file__, "start")
    xy_resolution = 0.02  # x-y grid resolution
    ang, dist = file_read("lidar01.csv")
    ox = np.sin(ang) * dist
    oy = np.cos(ang) * dist
    occupancy_map, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, xy_resolution = \
        generate_ray_casting_grid_map(ox, oy, xy_resolution, True)
    xy_res = np.array(occupancy_map).shape
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 4))
    plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap="PiYG_r")
    # cmap = "binary" "PiYG_r" "PiYG_r" "bone" "bone_r" "RdYlGn_r"
    plt.clim(-0.4, 1.4)
    plt.gca().set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[1], 1), minor=True)
    plt.gca().set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[0], 1), minor=True)
    plt.grid(True, which="minor", color="w", linewidth=0.6, alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot([oy, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], [ox, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], "ro-")
    plt.plot(0.0, 0.0, "ob")
    plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", "box")
    bottom, top = plt.ylim()  # return the current y-lim
    plt.ylim((top, bottom))  # rescale y axis, to match the grid orientation

if __name__ == '__main__':

격자 해상도는 0.02

'lidar01.csv'파일을 읽어 각도와 거리값 행렬을 얻고

각 점들의 x, y 좌표를 구합니다. ox, oy

그 다음 광선 투사 그리드 맵 생성 함수 호출하고

뒷 부분에는 점유 격자지도와 데이터를 시각화 하는 코드가 되겠습니다.


그러면 광선투사 격자 지도 작성 함수를 보겠습니다.


def generate_ray_casting_grid_map(ox, oy, xy_resolution, breshen=True):
    The breshen boolean tells if it's computed with bresenham ray casting
    (True) or with flood fill (False)
    min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, x_w, y_w = calc_grid_map_config(
        ox, oy, xy_resolution)
    # default 0.5 -- [[0.5 for i in range(y_w)] for i in range(x_w)]
    occupancy_map = np.ones((x_w, y_w)) / 2
    center_x = int(
        round(-min_x / xy_resolution))  # center x coordinate of the grid map
    center_y = int(
        round(-min_y / xy_resolution))  # center y coordinate of the grid map
    # occupancy grid computed with bresenham ray casting
    if breshen:
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            # x coordinate of the the occupied area
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            # y coordinate of the the occupied area
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            laser_beams = bresenham((center_x, center_y), (
                ix, iy))  # line form the lidar to the occupied point
            for laser_beam in laser_beams:
                    laser_beam[1]] = 0.0  # free area 0.0
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    # occupancy grid computed with with flood fill
        occupancy_map = init_flood_fill((center_x, center_y), (ox, oy),
                                        (x_w, y_w),
                                        (min_x, min_y), xy_resolution)
        flood_fill((center_x, center_y), occupancy_map)
        occupancy_map = np.array(occupancy_map, dtype=np.float)
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    return occupancy_map, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, xy_resolution

 이 함수를 보니 격자 지도 생성방법중에

breshen 광선투사와 홍수 알고리즘을 사용하는 두가지가 있나 봅니다.

우리는 광선투사 방법을 다룰것이니 일단 처음부터 내려가봅시다.


 격자 지도 설정 계산 함수로 최대 최소 길이와 격자 갯수를 구하고

모든 값이 0.5인 점유 격자를 생성합니다.

다음 점유 격자 지도의 중시 값을 찾은뒤, 브레즌햄 광선 투사로 점유 격자 계산을 시작합니다.


* 브레슨햄

브레즌햄(Bresenham) 알고리즘 브레즌햄 알고리즘은 컴퓨터 그래픽스에서 복잡하고 계산을 느리게 만드는 실수 계산을 배제하고 정수 계산만으로 직선을 그리기 위해 만들어진 알고리즘 입니다

 - kukuta.tistory.com/186


        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            # x coordinate of the the occupied area
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            # y coordinate of the the occupied area
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            laser_beams = bresenham((center_x, center_y), (
                ix, iy))  # line form the lidar to the occupied point
            for laser_beam in laser_beams:
                    laser_beam[1]] = 0.0  # free area 0.0
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area

 브래즌햄 광선투사를 사용하는 경우 일단 모든 관측치에 대한 x, y 값을 각각 반복시킵니다.

해당 좌표에 존재하는 격자 인덱스 ix, iy를 구한뒤

브래즌햄 함수로 레이저 빔을 구합니다.


def bresenham(start, end):
    Implementation of Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
    See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
    Bresenham's Line Algorithm
    Produces a np.array from start and end (original from roguebasin.com)
    >>> points1 = bresenham((4, 4), (6, 10))
    >>> print(points1)
    np.array([[4,4], [4,5], [5,6], [5,7], [5,8], [6,9], [6,10]])
    # setup initial conditions
    x1, y1 = start
    x2, y2 = end
    dx = x2 - x1
    dy = y2 - y1
    is_steep = abs(dy) > abs(dx)  # determine how steep the line is
    if is_steep:  # rotate line
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
        x2, y2 = y2, x2
    # swap start and end points if necessary and store swap state
    swapped = False
    if x1 > x2:
        x1, x2 = x2, x1
        y1, y2 = y2, y1
        swapped = True
    dx = x2 - x1  # recalculate differentials
    dy = y2 - y1  # recalculate differentials
    error = int(dx / 2.0)  # calculate error
    y_step = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1
    # iterate over bounding box generating points between start and end
    y = y1
    points = []
    for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
        coord = [y, x] if is_steep else (x, y)
        error -= abs(dy)
        if error < 0:
            y += y_step
            error += dx
    if swapped:  # reverse the list if the coordinates were swapped
    points = np.array(points)
    return points


 브레즈햄 광선 투사 알고리즘을 통해 해당 광선이 지나가는 격자들의 좌표 목록을 구하게 됩니다.


* 브레즈햄 직선 알고리즘 예시

(0,0)은 그리드 왼쪽 위 구석, (1,1) 선의 왼쪽 맨위, (11, 5) 선의 오른쪽 바닥

        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            # x coordinate of the the occupied area
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            # y coordinate of the the occupied area
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            laser_beams = bresenham((center_x, center_y), (
                ix, iy))  # line form the lidar to the occupied point
            for laser_beam in laser_beams:
                    laser_beam[1]] = 0.0  # free area 0.0
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area

 광선 투사가 지나가는 격자 목록들을 laser_beams로 받아

모든 값들을 텅빈 공간이므로(레이저가 지나가니) 0.0으로 지정하고

빔이 도달한 지점을 점유된 공간이므로 1로 지정해줍니다.


def generate_ray_casting_grid_map(ox, oy, xy_resolution, breshen=True):
    The breshen boolean tells if it's computed with bresenham ray casting
    (True) or with flood fill (False)
    min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, x_w, y_w = calc_grid_map_config(
        ox, oy, xy_resolution)
    # default 0.5 -- [[0.5 for i in range(y_w)] for i in range(x_w)]
    occupancy_map = np.ones((x_w, y_w)) / 2
    center_x = int(
        round(-min_x / xy_resolution))  # center x coordinate of the grid map
    center_y = int(
        round(-min_y / xy_resolution))  # center y coordinate of the grid map
    # occupancy grid computed with bresenham ray casting
    if breshen:
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            # x coordinate of the the occupied area
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            # y coordinate of the the occupied area
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            laser_beams = bresenham((center_x, center_y), (
                ix, iy))  # line form the lidar to the occupied point
            for laser_beam in laser_beams:
                    laser_beam[1]] = 0.0  # free area 0.0
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    # occupancy grid computed with with flood fill
        occupancy_map = init_flood_fill((center_x, center_y), (ox, oy),
                                        (x_w, y_w),
                                        (min_x, min_y), xy_resolution)
        flood_fill((center_x, center_y), occupancy_map)
        occupancy_map = np.array(occupancy_map, dtype=np.float)
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    return occupancy_map, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, xy_resolution

 이렇게 계산된 점유 격자와 지도 크기, 해상도 등의 정보가 메인함수로 반환됩니다.



    xy_res = np.array(occupancy_map).shape
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 4))
    plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap="PiYG_r")
    # cmap = "binary" "PiYG_r" "PiYG_r" "bone" "bone_r" "RdYlGn_r"
    plt.clim(-0.4, 1.4)
    plt.gca().set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[1], 1), minor=True)
    plt.gca().set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[0], 1), minor=True)
    plt.grid(True, which="minor", color="w", linewidth=0.6, alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot([oy, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], [ox, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], "ro-")
    plt.plot(0.0, 0.0, "ob")
    plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", "box")
    bottom, top = plt.ylim()  # return the current y-lim
    plt.ylim((top, bottom))  # rescale y axis, to match the grid orientation

 메인 함수의 플롯 부분을 살펴보면

우측에 점유 격자 지도를 놓고 좌측에는 레이저 빔 결과를 보여주고 있습니다.

이런 식으로 플로팅한 결과는 아래와 같습니다.



전체 코드

LIDAR to 2D grid map example
author: Erno Horvath, Csaba Hajdu based on Atsushi Sakai's scripts

import math
from collections import deque

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


def file_read(f):
    Reading LIDAR laser beams (angles and corresponding distance data)
    with open(f) as data:
        measures = [line.split(",") for line in data]
    angles = []
    distances = []
    for measure in measures:
    angles = np.array(angles)
    distances = np.array(distances)
    return angles, distances

def bresenham(start, end):
    Implementation of Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
    See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
    Bresenham's Line Algorithm
    Produces a np.array from start and end (original from roguebasin.com)
    >>> points1 = bresenham((4, 4), (6, 10))
    >>> print(points1)
    np.array([[4,4], [4,5], [5,6], [5,7], [5,8], [6,9], [6,10]])
    # setup initial conditions
    x1, y1 = start
    x2, y2 = end
    dx = x2 - x1
    dy = y2 - y1
    is_steep = abs(dy) > abs(dx)  # determine how steep the line is
    if is_steep:  # rotate line
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
        x2, y2 = y2, x2
    # swap start and end points if necessary and store swap state
    swapped = False
    if x1 > x2:
        x1, x2 = x2, x1
        y1, y2 = y2, y1
        swapped = True
    dx = x2 - x1  # recalculate differentials
    dy = y2 - y1  # recalculate differentials
    error = int(dx / 2.0)  # calculate error
    y_step = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1
    # iterate over bounding box generating points between start and end
    y = y1
    points = []
    for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
        coord = [y, x] if is_steep else (x, y)
        error -= abs(dy)
        if error < 0:
            y += y_step
            error += dx
    if swapped:  # reverse the list if the coordinates were swapped
    points = np.array(points)
    return points

def calc_grid_map_config(ox, oy, xy_resolution):
    Calculates the size, and the maximum distances according to the the
    measurement center
    min_x = round(min(ox) - EXTEND_AREA / 2.0)
    min_y = round(min(oy) - EXTEND_AREA / 2.0)
    max_x = round(max(ox) + EXTEND_AREA / 2.0)
    max_y = round(max(oy) + EXTEND_AREA / 2.0)
    xw = int(round((max_x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
    yw = int(round((max_y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
    print("The grid map is ", xw, "x", yw, ".")
    return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, xw, yw

def atan_zero_to_twopi(y, x):
    angle = math.atan2(y, x)
    if angle < 0.0:
        angle += math.pi * 2.0
    return angle

def init_flood_fill(center_point, obstacle_points, xy_points, min_coord,
    center_point: center point
    obstacle_points: detected obstacles points (x,y)
    xy_points: (x,y) point pairs
    center_x, center_y = center_point
    prev_ix, prev_iy = center_x - 1, center_y
    ox, oy = obstacle_points
    xw, yw = xy_points
    min_x, min_y = min_coord
    occupancy_map = (np.ones((xw, yw))) * 0.5
    for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
        # x coordinate of the the occupied area
        ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
        # y coordinate of the the occupied area
        iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
        free_area = bresenham((prev_ix, prev_iy), (ix, iy))
        for fa in free_area:
            occupancy_map[fa[0]][fa[1]] = 0  # free area 0.0
        prev_ix = ix
        prev_iy = iy
    return occupancy_map

def flood_fill(center_point, occupancy_map):
    center_point: starting point (x,y) of fill
    occupancy_map: occupancy map generated from Bresenham ray-tracing
    # Fill empty areas with queue method
    sx, sy = occupancy_map.shape
    fringe = deque()
    while fringe:
        n = fringe.pop()
        nx, ny = n
        # West
        if nx > 0:
            if occupancy_map[nx - 1, ny] == 0.5:
                occupancy_map[nx - 1, ny] = 0.0
                fringe.appendleft((nx - 1, ny))
        # East
        if nx < sx - 1:
            if occupancy_map[nx + 1, ny] == 0.5:
                occupancy_map[nx + 1, ny] = 0.0
                fringe.appendleft((nx + 1, ny))
        # North
        if ny > 0:
            if occupancy_map[nx, ny - 1] == 0.5:
                occupancy_map[nx, ny - 1] = 0.0
                fringe.appendleft((nx, ny - 1))
        # South
        if ny < sy - 1:
            if occupancy_map[nx, ny + 1] == 0.5:
                occupancy_map[nx, ny + 1] = 0.0
                fringe.appendleft((nx, ny + 1))

def generate_ray_casting_grid_map(ox, oy, xy_resolution, breshen=True):
    The breshen boolean tells if it's computed with bresenham ray casting
    (True) or with flood fill (False)
    min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, x_w, y_w = calc_grid_map_config(
        ox, oy, xy_resolution)
    # default 0.5 -- [[0.5 for i in range(y_w)] for i in range(x_w)]
    occupancy_map = np.ones((x_w, y_w)) / 2
    center_x = int(
        round(-min_x / xy_resolution))  # center x coordinate of the grid map
    center_y = int(
        round(-min_y / xy_resolution))  # center y coordinate of the grid map
    # occupancy grid computed with bresenham ray casting
    if breshen:
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            # x coordinate of the the occupied area
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            # y coordinate of the the occupied area
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            laser_beams = bresenham((center_x, center_y), (
                ix, iy))  # line form the lidar to the occupied point
            for laser_beam in laser_beams:
                    laser_beam[1]] = 0.0  # free area 0.0
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    # occupancy grid computed with with flood fill
        occupancy_map = init_flood_fill((center_x, center_y), (ox, oy),
                                        (x_w, y_w),
                                        (min_x, min_y), xy_resolution)
        flood_fill((center_x, center_y), occupancy_map)
        occupancy_map = np.array(occupancy_map, dtype=np.float)
        for (x, y) in zip(ox, oy):
            ix = int(round((x - min_x) / xy_resolution))
            iy = int(round((y - min_y) / xy_resolution))
            occupancy_map[ix][iy] = 1.0  # occupied area 1.0
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
            occupancy_map[ix + 1][iy + 1] = 1.0  # extend the occupied area
    return occupancy_map, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, xy_resolution

def main():
    Example usage
    print(__file__, "start")
    xy_resolution = 0.02  # x-y grid resolution
    ang, dist = file_read("lidar01.csv")
    ox = np.sin(ang) * dist
    oy = np.cos(ang) * dist
    occupancy_map, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, xy_resolution = \
        generate_ray_casting_grid_map(ox, oy, xy_resolution, True)
    xy_res = np.array(occupancy_map).shape
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 4))
    plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap="PiYG_r")
    # cmap = "binary" "PiYG_r" "PiYG_r" "bone" "bone_r" "RdYlGn_r"
    plt.clim(-0.4, 1.4)
    plt.gca().set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[1], 1), minor=True)
    plt.gca().set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, xy_res[0], 1), minor=True)
    plt.grid(True, which="minor", color="w", linewidth=0.6, alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot([oy, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], [ox, np.zeros(np.size(oy))], "ro-")
    plt.plot(0.0, 0.0, "ob")
    plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", "box")
    bottom, top = plt.ylim()  # return the current y-lim
    plt.ylim((top, bottom))  # rescale y axis, to match the grid orientation

if __name__ == '__main__':

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