
Derivatives (C1W2L05)

- slope = derivate 

- slope of f(a) at a = 2 -> 3

 => d f(a)/ da = 3 = d/da f(a)



More Derivative Examples (C1W2L06)

미분계수 이해하기

- 복잡한 미분 계수들을 살펴보자

- f(a) = a^2인 경우 a =2, 5에서의 기울기, 미분ㄱ derivative

- a = 2 -> d/da f(a) = 4

- a = 5 -> d/da f(a) = 10


더 많은 미분계수 예시

- f(a) = a^3 -> d/da f(a) = 3a^2

- f(a) = log_e(a) -> d/da f(a) = 1/a

- derivative of function = slope of function

- slope of function can be different at different point of function









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